Saturday, May 1, 2010

SleepyME: MDSW....ahh

Ok this is gonna be short & sweet. A teaser of sorts. I am home, fed, & showered after spending my first day @ Maryland sheep & wool festival. Wow is all I can say at the moment. TouristyME will have a complete rundown tomorrow. Just wanted to pop my SleepyME self over here to say .... Yeah it was a good day.
Good night

PS: it's not an indication of age, ME going to bed @ 9pm on a Sat nite. Lol


  1. Did you go on the bus from Rosie's? I did and it was great. I didn't have to worry about traffic and parking. Next year, I may go down there a few days earlier for the classes that I heard were great. I'm tired too from a long exhausting day in the sun,but I had fun at the festival!! I go every year and have established friendships from them. Sweet Dreams!!!

  2. Msloloknits:
    Yep I went w/Rosie's, I was on the 2nd bus. I wish I could have stayed for the after party.

    RaenWa: Yea it was pretty awesome.
