Hi. This is SimplyME aka Dorian. I am a work in progress, or so I'd like to think. I am still working on trying to figure out the best way to answer these About Me type questions. I am simply me. I have a fairly simple life filled with simply complex complications. My motto for 2007 was "Stop wishing...BE." 2008 was filled with simply trying to cope and rebuild, "be" 2009, well I haven't figured out what my motto is yet for 2009. Actually I guess it could just be "BE..SimplyBE"
What does that mean, BE? That is a question that has a different answer for everyone. For me it means to stop questioning and second guessing and apologizing. Stop being scared to SimplyBE who I am. I, probably like everyone else, have this image of who I am supposed to be. Of who I think others expect me to be. And at times reality doesn't always mirror that image. But I want to change that. Either by changing the image or changing the reality.
So I guess this is going to be the direction of this here space. Changing my reality to fit my image. Changing my image to fit my reality, This is my journey. Join me, won't you? Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Peace, Love, & Blessings.........SimplyME

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